INSOL San Diego 2024

INSOL San Diego 2024

California hosted the INSOL 2024 event, a notable gathering featuring over 50 speakers, which took place on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, coinciding with Memorial Day in the United States. As every year, our founding partner, Master Luis Palomino, was present representing our firm PALOMINO, FLORES, HERNÁNDEZ Abogados.

In the welcome address, the conference co-chairs, Julie Hertzberg, former president of INSOL International and representative of Alvarez & Marsal in the U.S., and James H.M. Sprayregen, also a former president of INSOL International and representative of Kirkland & Ellis in the U.S., emphasized the importance of investing time in personal and professional growth, as well as fostering new connections.

This year’s conference stood out for the cross-border cooperation and work that continues to emerge within the global restructuring profession, contributing to a more stable and predictable future for businesses and the people who rely on them.

30th Anniversary International Fraud Group (IFG), Hong Kong Cricket Club

30th Anniversary International Fraud Group (IFG), Hong Kong Cricket Club

The International Fraud Group (IFG) celebrated its 30th anniversary with a great dinner organized at the Hong Kong cricket club, the welcome speech was offered by Gary Miller President of IFG accompanied by Kevin So who is a partner of Karas So LLP and Ken Peng as a keynote speaker. Our partners Luis and Oscar Palomino were present at this event representing our firm.

Aniversario 30° International Fraud Group

The next day the meeting ended with a great working day at the Asia Society Hong Kong center. In this there were 4 panels where topics were addressed mainly about the economic crises presented by China and the effects that it is beginning to have worldwide. 

INSOL International Latin America Seminar 2024

INSOL International Latin America Seminar 2024


The INSOL Latin America seminar was organized in collaboration with the Ibero-AmericanInstitute of Insolvency Law (IIDC), IWIRC Latin America, and TMN Colombia with the support of CC Fraudnet and renowned restructuring professionals in Latin America.

Our partner the Master Oscar Palomino and managing partner Master Luis Palomino were present at the seminar Master Luis Palomino participated in the second roundtable of INSOL Latin America 2024, representing Mexico. The event took place on March 11th at the Sofitel Santa Clara Hotel in Cartagena, Colombia. Also participating were Howard Seife (Chair of the Latin America Committee and Co-Chair of the Latin America Roundtable) and Andrés Martínez (Co-Chair of the Latin America Roundtable/INSOL Fellow), among others.

Organized in partnership with the World Bank Group, the seminar discussed relevant and current topics where local, regional, and international judges, regulators, and legislators debated.

Reseña XIX Congreso Nacional de Abogados Querétaro

Review of the XIX National Congress of Lawyers Queretaro

"Law in the Mexico of the Future"

The XIX National Congress of Lawyers Queretaro, BMA, was an event of great relevance for the Mexican legal community. The central theme, “Law in the Mexico of the Future”, allowed participants to reflect on the challenges and opportunities facing the national legal system in the current context.

The event took place on February 22, 23, and 24 in the state of Queretaro XIX National Congress of the Mexican Bar Association called “The law in the coming Mexico” The event brought together more than 600 attendees, with more than 40 conferences and 80 speakers. Our partners Oscar Palomino, Juan Jose Flores and Miguel Hernandez represented our firm at this great event.

It is worth mentioning that our managing partner, Master Luis Palomino who is currently the coordinator of the BMA’s bankruptcy commission, participated as a moderator in the panel entitled “The Future of Insolvency and the Processes to Solve It.” This panel also included Dr. Dr. Rosa Maria Rojas (academic from ITAM), Ms. Jessika Rocha (litigating attorney), and Mr. Alejandro Sainz (former coordinator of the BMA’sbankruptcy law commission)

The conferences and roundtables featured the participation of prominent jurists and experts, who offered their perspectives on various current topics. Among the most relevant topics addressed were:

  • The reform of the Judicial Power
  • The new Amparo Law
  • Human rights in the current context
  • The accusatory system and its challenges
  • Professional ethics in the practice of law

The conclusions of the Congress highlighted the importance of strengthening the Rule of Law in Mexico, guaranteeing access to justice for all citizens, and promoting a culture of respect for human rights


Trends in Investment and Challenges in Latin America

We continue to prepare and update ourselves to offer the best solutions to our clients, and we started this 2024 with the participation of our partners Luis Palomino and Miguel Hernández at the North American Regional Conference of the International Insolvency Institute held in New York.

theMaster Luis Palomino participated in the panel on “TRENDS IN INVESTMENT AND CHALLENGES IN LATIN AMERICA”, where the acquisition of assets in insolvency processes and the financing of DIP in jurisdictions were discussed.

This panel also included lawyers Javier Lorente from Argentina, Luciana Celidonio from Brazil, Lisa Schweiter, and Laurent Lantonnois from the USA.


IFG Flagship Fraud Conference & Networking Reception

Fraud and International Arbitration – how does the Arbitration process cope with fraud claims
Should every country change their law to financially reward whistleblowers?
In collaboration with CFAAR: Crypto Litigation 2023: A worldwide perspective on latest developments
AI – Harmful or a force for good?

The IFG celebrated their First Flagship Fraud Conference on Thursday 30th November at the IET, 2 Savoy Place in London, hosted by Mishcon de Reya LLP!. Join us for a day long event which will feature guest speakers and four panel discussions on hot topics in the fraud landscape including: – Fraud and International


This was the day’s program:


The Master Luis Fernando Palomino Bernal, Managing Partner of the firm “Palomino, Flores, Hernandez, Abogados” y the Master . Juan José Flores Manríquez,partner of the Firm, who were present at this great event:


Seeking solutions to global challenges (IBA)

International Bar Association Annual Conference, Paris, France 2023. Where leaders and legal professionals from around the world gathered to share their knowledge and ideas on the most important global issues.

The International Bar Association (IBA), as the global voice of the legal profession, provides the most current information on key legal issues to its members, to the legal community at large and to society at large.

The annual conference of the International Bar Association was held in Paris, France, on October 29, 30, 31 and November 1 and 2 of this year: Seeking Solutions to Global Challenges (IBA). Where leaders and legal professionals from around the world gathered to share their knowledge and ideas on the most important global issues.

Our partner the Master Luis Palomino represented our firm at the meeting PALOMINO FLORES HERNANDEZ ABOGADOS.

The annual conference addressed issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, forums for government and public defenders and the IBA and the World Bank to forge closer ties to further development goals. The opening speech was given by Michael Barnier, the French Foreign Minist

Michael Barnier called on EU and US and Middle East leaders to work together towards a peace process, in which he also said that the security and sovereignty of the State of Israel “is non-negotiable” and added “we stand on the side of freedom and democracy against barbarity and terrorism”. The ceremony also featured a video address from President Frances Emmanuel MacronHe added, “As we know, France and the world are living a crucial moment in which the power struggle is supplanting relations based on law”, referring to the current situation of the conflict in Ukraine, which “has given rise to crimes that international justice must judge quickly and severely”.


XIX IICD Congress


With huge success Guadalajara welcomes the most important national and international specialists and recognized in insolvency law (insolvency proceedings) to discuss the progress of crisis law in the face of the new global economic reality.

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, October 18, 2023 – The XIX Congress of the Ibero-American Institute of Insolvency Law is being held in order to promote the insolvency culture at a global level in the current economic scenario, “The law of the crisis and its direct impact on economic growth.”The event will take place in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, at the Hyatt Regency Andares Hotel, on October 18, 19 and 20. This event, which brings together the main exponents and specialists in insolvency law in Ibero-America, is a crucial meeting point to discuss the progress and challenges in this area.

The event, organized by the IIDC (Ibero-American Institute of Insolvency Law), and institutionally sponsored by the Mexican Bar Association (BMA), the National Association of Corporate Lawyers (ANADE) and the Illustrious and National Bar Association of Mexico (INCAM), will feature topics of the greatest relevance and topicality for modern insolvency law: From the cryptocurrency crisis, artificial intelligence, fintechs, regulation of SME insolvency, insolvency of business groups, financing of companies in crisis, cross-border insolvency, challenges for insolvency judges, the future of insolvency law, among others.

The president of the Congress, Mtro. Luis Fernando Palomino Bernal informed that during the three days of work, participants will have the opportunity to attend keynote lectures and panel presentations. In addition to the academic presentations, as part of the congress activities, the more than 250 attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the exhibitors during the gala dinner scheduled in the historic center of the city at the Cabañas Museum (declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site). It also confirmed the attendance of 60 exhibitors from 12 Latin American countries, being so far the most relevant insolvency event that has been held in our country since the entry into force of the Commercial Insolvency Law in May 2000.

For more information on the XIX Congress of the Ibero-American Institute of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law, please contact

to access the full program of the event, visit the official website at:


International Insolvency & Restructuring Report 2023-24

Luis Palomino autor

The idea behind this article is that in a few lines the reader will have a clear idea of the four basic changes needed to improve the Mexican insolvency system

to improve the Mexican insolvency system. The great news is that one of them just happened a year ago in 2022. Regarding the other three, the forum of Mexican lawyers dedicated to insolvency, together with the competent authorities, are working hard to make them happen soon, and it is in these spaces where we hope to draw the attention of institutions such as the World Bank, UNCITRAL, III2 , IICD3 , INSOL and our colleagues within these institutions to achieve it.

Since the entry into force of the Mexican Insolvency Law “Ley de Concursos Mercantiles” (LCM) in May 2000, we have had a problem: The Federal District Courts were given exclusive jurisdiction to hear all insolvency proceedings in Mexico.

As a result, all insolvency proceedings in our country were heard by judges who were not specialised in the matter, since they were specialists in amparo proceedings and in civil, administrative and labour matters, including criminal matters.

Said courts had never conducted an insolvency trial, they were never prepared for it and for 22 years they have more or less rejected this type of proceeding. Proof of this is that in Mexico, from 2000 to date, less than 1,000 proceedings of this nature have been processed and the proceedings that have been rejected by district judges throughout the Mexican Republic are countless.

As a cultural fact, restructuring and bankruptcy proceedings before the LCM became effective in Mexico were processed in the local courts of each state in Mexico. It was these state courts that were the ones that had the knowledge and experience to carry out the conduct of all “suspensiones de pago” and bankruptcies in Mexico.


International Insolvency Institute, at one of the 15 most important universities in Europe

23ª Conferencia anual Amsterdam, Países Bajos 10 y 11 de junio de 2023

NextGen Class XII – June 9, 2023

A great weekend after the International Insolvency Institute ( conference at one of the 15 most important universities in Europe: the University of Amsterdam founded in 1632 ( The meeting with great friends was wonderful, the topics and panelists were first class as always, the NexGen program was a resounding success and the networking that this network generates is simply phenomenal. It is a privilege for Palomino Flores Hernadez to continue supporting this incredible organization.

Here are some pictures with great contestants but first our great friends: Diana Rivera from Colombia, Javier Lorente from Argentina, Robert Hänel from Germany, Roland Petterson from Venezuela, Scott Atkins from Australia and INSOL World President, Bob Wessels from Holland and emeritus award winner of this congress; and of course our partners and associates!
